The World Championship Gumbo CookOff is this weekend in downtoan New Iberia. Known as the “Super Bowl of Gumbo,” Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Gary Colden says it attracts dozens of cooking teams and thousands of visitors, where chefs compete for top honors in various categories and earn bragging rights.
“They want that trophy and to be known as The World Champions of Gumbo CookOff.”
Started over 30 years ago by the Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce, the event began with less than a dozen chefs serving gumbo from truck beds in 1989. Its goal was to generate revenue while celebrating a culinary tradition unique to the region. Since then, Colden says it has grown significantly, featuring 75 teams, 30,000 attendees, and over 100 gumbos to sample.
“It’s just kind of taken off and gone from one day to two days and it’s just filled with all kinds of activities.”
Some categories include Amateur and Professional chicken and sausage, , Amateur and Professional seafood, and Professional non-seafood. Colden says the cook-off has become a landmark event showcasing the region’s culinary talent, with live music and a lively atmosphere.
“It’s free entry. There are some children’s activities and stuff. We got food, soft drinks and beer that will be sold, but there are no ice chests or pets allowed please.”