Louisiana delegates visiting France for the 19th Francophone Summit


Louisiana delegates, including members of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL), the Office of Cultural Development, and Senator Jeremy Stine, will attend the 19th Francophone Summit in Paris today and tomorrow. Hosted by the International Organization of the Francophonie (frank-o-phony).  CODOFIL Business and International Specialist Jonathan Oliver says the summit promotes the French language and international cooperation in culture, education, commerce, and politics.

“And it’s quite notable that Louisiana is a part of this organization because we are the only state in the United States to take part in this.  So, it’s a really big deal for us.  It puts Louisiana on a world state.”

The summit’s theme, “Create, Innovate, and Do Business in French,” aligns with Louisiana’s efforts to highlight its French heritage and promote economic and tourism opportunities. Olive says the delegation re-signed the France-Louisiana Cooperation Accords for 2025-2030, originally established in 1968, to support French immersion programs in Louisiana schools.

“So this year we have literally over 100 teachers from France in our Louisiana schools thanks to this cooperation which continues of course the long history we have with the French language.”

Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser emphasized the value of OIF membership in promoting Louisiana’s culture globally. Oliver views these initiatives as key to preparing future generations for a globalized world

“It prepares them for a global economy. It really gives them the tools needed to succeed as they go onto college and of course, as they begin their professional career.”

Louisiana has been an observing member of the OIF since 2018.

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