Nungesser: Lots of work to do to get New Orleans ready for Super Bowl


In about four and a half months, the Super Bowl will be coming to New Orleans.

Is the city ready?

According to Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser, not quite.

“There’s still homeless on the streets,” says Nungesser. There’s still a lot of cleanup to be done. The streets that I’ve been trying to get resurfaced by the museums and Jackson Square still are in horrible shape.”

Nungesser says the list of things to do to get the city ready for the big game is long.

“I know they put up 500 top projects to get done,” says Nungesser. “I’m questioning whether we’re going to get the majority of them done or not.”

Nungesser said specifically, the streets in the French Quarter need work.

“That is one of the most crossed streets in the French Quarter, right there by Jackson Square, and there are 100 patches,” Nungesser notes. “They money they spent paching it, they could have resurfaced the whole street.”

Nungesser said getting the French Quarter ready needs to be the top priority in preparing for the Super Bowl.

“The crowds will be down in the Quarter,” says Nungesser. It ought to be spotless clean, and streets and sidewalks need to be fixed.”

Nungesser applauded the city’s efforts to reduce crime, with police officers using technology to take a proactive approach to prevent crimes before they’re committed.

“I see light at the end of the tunnel of making the Quarter safe,” Nungesser says. “We’ve just got to get the lights and streets cleaned up, get the homeless off the streets and make it shine for the Super Bowl. And from that moment forward to keep it clean and keep it safe.”

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