Polls show people are losing interest in the 2024 election


With less than six weeks until the 2024 election, voter interest appears to be waning, as indicated by multiple data points. Founder and President of JNC Analytics John Couvillon says some possible indicators are…

“primary turnout across the country, voter registration in August, early voting volume.  I’m not seeing the same level of interest, engagement, and excitement that i saw in the 2020 election cycle.”

Other factors contributing to this disinterest include polarizing candidates, repetitive media coverage, and dissatisfaction with the direction of both major parties. Couvillon says a reason for the lower interest compared to the 2020 election is election fatigue…

“You know in the case of Donald Trump, being on the ballot three times and up until mid-July it was going to be a rematch between him and Biden.”

Additionally, an increasing number of undecided voters and lower-than-expected turnout at campaign events suggest that enthusiasm may be significantly lower compared to previous election cycles. Couvillon says with expectations of mail-in ballots becoming the primary method of voting…

“That’s going to tell us a lot about further confirming or denying what my suspicion is about the supposed lack of interest in the election this year.  And of course our early voting starts October 18th.”

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