Senate Education Committee approves legislation to mandate a five-day school week


Senate Education Committee approves a bill to mandate a five-day school week. Nine school districts currently use a four-day week schedule. But Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell says she believes a five-day school week is a better option and it’s easier for parents and employers who operate Monday through Friday…

“We are an education committee and we’ve had ongoing struggles but we’ve always acknowledged  the goal at the end of the day was to better educate the children of Louisiana.”

Two major amendments were added to Mizell’s measure. One of them would allow school systems operating on a four-day school schedule can continue to do so if this proposal becomes law. The other would allow A or B school systems to move to a four-day week if they wish. Mizell understands the concerns that some school systems have with her legislation…

“I think there’s a lot of layers to this. I think we’ve reached a good place thanks to Senator Andrews amendment with the ‘A’ ‘B’. I feel better about that.”

Executive Director of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents Michael Faulk says the four-day schedule works for some school systems, especially the smaller ones…

Cut 15 (10)  “…performance score.”

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