White House approves Governor Landry’s request for a major disaster declaration for Francine


The White House approved Governor Jeff Landry’s request for a major disaster declaration, following Hurricane Francine and flooding that hit the state. This declaration will unlock crucial federal assistance to support recovery efforts in affected areas. GOHSEP External Affairs spokesperson Scott Adams says Ascension, Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, and Terrebonne Parishes will receive federal assistance.

“And this is the initial assessment by FEMA.  It’s not inclusive of all the parishes that were affected by Francine, the 22 parishes.”

Adams says the approval ensures that federal funding is available for various programs including temporary housing, home repairs, low-cost loans, and other programs designed to aid individuals and business owners in rebuilding.

“And we will keep working with FEMA to ensure that all Louisiana residents impacted of this storm will provide relief rom the federal government.”

FEMA will coordinate these efforts, with an emphasis on public safety and rebuilding.  Adams encourages affected residents to apply for assistance and stay informed on disaster relief efforts.

“First thing to do is reach out to FEMA at DisasterAssistance.gov or calling FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA, or by using the FEMA app.”

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